National Awards for Science and Technology Achievements (2018)
Prof. Athula Sumathipala for “Outstanding leadership in promoting and developing Science and Technology”.
The Institute for Research & Development in Health & Social Care for “Excellence in international collaboration for advancement of Science and Technology”.
President’s Award for Scientific Publication (2015)
Prof. Athula Sumathipala for highly rated scientific research as evaluated by peers and published in the year 2013.
Dr. Chesmal Siriwardhana for highly rated scientific research as evaluated by peers and published in the year 2013.
Dr. Anushka Adikari for highly rated scientific research as evaluated by peers and published in the year 2013.
Ms Gayani Pannal for highly rated scientific research as evaluated by peers and published in the year 2013.
President’s Award for Scientific Publication (2014)
Prof. Athula Sumathipala for highly rated scientific research as evaluated by peers and published in the year 2009.
Dr. Gominda Ponnamperuma for highly rated scientific research as evaluated by peers and published in the year 2014/2015.
Dr. Chesmal Siriwardhana for highly rated scientific research as evaluated by peers and published in the year 2010.
CNAPT Award for the Best Publication by the Sri Lanka Medical Association
2007: Sumathipala A, et al. CBT for MUS Training manual. Forum for Research and Development Publication, Colombo 2006. (ISBN 9558973017)
2001: Sumathipala A, et al. RCT of CBT for MUS in Sri Lanka. Psychological Medicine 2000; 30: 747-757.
Other Awards
2012: Ponnamperuma G, et al. A Script Concordance Test for Neurological Localization and Emergencies. 9th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC), National University of Singapore, Singapore. Awarded the Best Oral Presentation.
2010: Ponnamperuma G, et al. Refresher programme for the new interns : perception of participants. Presented at the 1st SEARAME International Conference, Jakarta, Indonesia. Selected as the Best Short Communication
2009: Ponnamperuma G, et al. Student perceptions of a portfolio assessment process. Medical Education 43: 89-98. Identified by the publisher as one of the most often downloaded articles.
2004: Samaraweera S, et al. A community based study on suicidal ideations and behaviours in Ratnapura District. 117th Anniversary Academic Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, 2004;36. Won the Sir Frank Gunasekera Award for the best presentation in Community Medicine.
Prof. Athula Sumathipala: HB Williams Traveling Professor of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. (2007)
Prof. Athula Sumathipala: Emeritus Professor of Global Mental Health by Kings College London, UK. (2015)
Prof. Athula Sumatihpala: N.D.W. Lionel oration of the SLMA 136th Anniversary International Medical Congress. Title: Starting from scratch, the first and the largest twin research programme in a Low- and Middle-Income Country [LMIC]; the Sri Lankan Twin Registry, it’s research output and impact. (2023)
Dr. Chesmal Siriwardhana: Dr. S. Ramachandran Oration by the Sri Lanka Medical Association. Title: Epidemiology of migration and mental health in Sri Lanka: local insight for a global impact. (2015)
Prof. Athula Sumatihpala: Sir Marcus Fernando oration of the Sri Lanka Medical Association. Title: Depression: addressing the local burden in the context of global mental health. (2014)
Dr. Gominda Ponnamperuma: 6th Post Graduate Institute of Medicine, Sri Lanka Oration. Title: An examination of exams to clarify the way forward. (2013)
Prof. Athula Sumatihpala: Post Graduate Institute of Medicine, Sri Lanka Oration. Title: CBT for medically unexplained symptoms. (2011)