Institute for Research & Development


Adolescent Mental Health Webinar Series Session 7: Developing Reserarch ideas and grant writing

‘අඳුරු වලා බිඳ’ මාතෘ විශාදය පිළිබද වාර්තාමය ටෙලි නාට්‍යය එළිදැක්වීම හා විද්වත් කතිකාව – ENHANCE Project

Adolescent Mental Health Webinar Series Session 6: Community Engagement in Sri Lanka

TRANSLATE ව්‍යාපෘතියේ ක්ෂේත්‍ර කටයුතු ගාල්ලෙන් ඇරඹෙයි

Adolescent Mental Health Webinar Series Session 5: Implementation  Science

Twin Talent Fest

Twins 2025: The joint 7th World Congress on Twin Pregnancy a Global Prospective And The 20th Congress of the International Society Twin Studies (ISTS)

Adolescent Mental Health Seminar Series Session 5: Implementation Science

SLMA Poster presentation by Oshini Jayasinghe

Twins 2024: The joint 7th World Congress on Twin Pregnancy a Global Prospective And The 19th Congress of the International Society Twin Studies (ISTS)

Adolescent Mental Health Webinar Series Session 4

The 6th International Workshop on Qualitative Research Methods

IRD Research Council follow-up meeting

SLMA Oration – Prof. Athula Sumathipala

No Development Without Research: Stakeholder Engagement Event

The ENHANCE trial steering committee meeting

Adolescent mental health webinar series

Advance Course in Bioethics: A Critical but Supportive Friend

Basic Course in Bioethics: A Critical but Supportive Friend

Stakeholder meeting on adolescent perinatal mental health in Sri Lanka.

International Statistical Genetics (ISG) workshop attended by Sameeha Jabir from the IRD

Seminar by Prof. Athula Sumathipala at the University of Kelaniya on Managing Mental Stress for a Successful and Enjoyable Life.

Ms. Krishani Jayasinghe from the IRD participated in the 17th Global Forum on Bioethics in Research held in Switzerland

Reflecting on an Inspiring Day at the ENHANCE and ECLIPSE Showcasing Event

ENHANCE: Collaborative Learning Workshop: Dec 2023

Research & Innovation for Global Health Transformation (RIGHT)

CEI Workshop at University of Peradeniya

Prof. Priya Paudyal, Prof. Monica Magadi and Dr. Tania Wright from Keele University visit to IRD

Collaborative workshop on Further strengthening preventive and curative services in Sri Lanka – Day 01

NIFS Visit