Institute for Research & Development


Easter 2019 Terror Attack & Recovery – Prof. Athula Sumathipala – 17MAY2019

A News Line , News 1st Digital interview of Prof. Athula Sumathipala. He is the Honorary Director of the Institute for Research & Development in Health & Social Care. The psychological repercussions of the Easter 2019 tragedy is the main talking point of the interview. Coping, recovery & resilience in the face of disaster is also discussed. In addition, the professor’s past 2004 tsunami disaster management experience, is mentioned.

The interview focuses on the environment that exists after the attacks. National security, international influences & continued faith in religion are discussed.

Although, the attacks were carried out under the guise of religion and directly targeted places of worship. However, the attack itself was not an act of God & believers should not lose faith. Therefore, the respective religious leaders must carry this message inorder to ensure peace and unity.

Furthermore, International influences driving and supporting the Easter 2019 attacks was another point of conversation. The counter-productive nature of direct foreign intervention in countries, and its consequences, was mentioned citing examples of failed states in recent history.

Finally, the state of the national security services, which had been relaxed under the guise of post-war humanitarian concerns, was discussed. The ability of a robust national security to promote an environment and feeling of safety is mentioned. The lack of such a security service and how it can contribute to a compromised psychological element that drives civil unrest is clearly explained.

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